Wednesday, 6 April 2011

How to Curl Your Hair with a Straightener

The benefit of using a straightener to curl your hair as opposed to a curler is that it creates less of a ringlet but a more relaxed curl. The curls also tend to last a really long time, so there are no worries about your hair going flat during the evening!
  • Separate your hair into sections starting with curling the bottom layer
  • Brush your hair through, knots will prevent the styler from moving through your hair seamlessly
  • Apply heat protectant, concentrating on the middle section of your hair
  • Take a section of hair about an inch thick and wrap it once around your styler
  • Turn the straightener over until the hair is coming straight down again 
  • Then slowly run it through the hair to where you'd like the curl to finish and pull it away from your hair
  • Give the section a twist with your fingers
  • And there you have your first curl!
  • Repeat the above steps throughout the rest of your hair
  • Use a hairspray to complete the look

Once you get the hang of this it's really quite easy to do! Let us know how you get on :)